Fuck the naysayers:

F the Rappers who keep redoing old songs! Do something new!

F the people who judge me and my friends, as a wise man said  "Only god can judge me"

F everyone who tries to keep me down and take away style and esteem

F THE PEOPLE WHO SAY YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

F the people who are at my school and act stupid just to be funny and impress people.Then ditch there old friends for upper-classman FUCK YOU!

Fuck Brad Tolle you can't accept the fact you are just a prep-white-suburbanlivin' fag smokin pot tryin to be a gansta, yea you!!!!Bitch!

From Abe Cook aka=Snowman FUCK all racist bitches, and people who think they have it so fuckin bad well FUCK THEM!!!!!! FUCK PREPPIE BITCHES AND BASTARDS AND JEALOUS BITCHES!!!!!

If you have a nag e-mail me and I  might put it on!!